Dedicated Transportation Services

Automobile Towing Worker Securing Car on His Tow Truck


On-Site Dispatch

4 Locations

in OC for fast service!

Specializing in Private Property Impounds

Dedicated Transportation Services specializes in towing from all types of private properties including; apartment communities, homeowner associations, parking lots, commercial and industrial complexes. We work with you to ensure access to reserved spaces as well as emergency access to first responders along with compliance to all other parking guidelines.”

Illegally parked vehicles are not only an inconvenience to everyone, they are a serious safety hazard when blocking access and fire lanes. Rapid and respectful legal removal is the best solution, we at DTS are the experts!

DTS assists you not only in the day-to-day operations, we also help and guide you through the entire preparation, set-up and compliance process.”

Dedicated to Solutions

Dedicated Transportation Services provides personalized towing services to apartment communities, homeowner associations, commercial centers, industrial complexes, parking lots and many other types of private properties.

DTS strives to assist property owners and their representatives in providing the best parking solutions for their customers, residents and visitors. Even the most modern developments have only so many allotted spaces, control with careful and professional monitoring are the solutions DTS provides.

Illegally parked vehicles are not only an inconvenience to everyone, they are a serious safety hazard when blocking access and fire lanes. Rapid and respectful legal removal is the best solution, we at DTS are the experts!

DTS assists you not only in the day-to-day operations, we also help and guide you through the entire preparation, set-up and compliance process.”